8 facts about me ( for January!)

Image1. I love breakfast with Coffee and Croissant.

  1. My english name has the same meaning with the one my family gave me since I was born (Everything has a reason! Random choice? Nah nah!)

  2. Until now, martial arts is the hobby I wish I learned when I was a kid along side with music and art ( sing, dance, plays and drawing, as simple as possible to explain)

  3. I can speak fluently 2 languages and already started my 3rd one.

  4. Smelling books is one of my habits.

  5. I usually love doing housework enough to not fancying nail polishes, but, when I do my nails, I only apply colours in 3 nails maximum, and all colours are different at the same time.

  6. I wear black socks.

  7. I feel uncomfortable to (even) try or wear animal-printed clothes (no offence, just different choices at different ages)

The point is, I may change sooner or later. I hope that this post would not only help you get to know me but also help myself to keep a record of my own lifestyle. All these 8 factors has been with me for minimum 5 years and right now, I have no desire to change anything yet. Sometimes, if you write down things about yourself, you will realise how committed you have stayed for your true self or the other face of the coin, how boring you have lived in your young time. I don’t know…confusingly great maybe. If I am happy when I reread it in the future, I will constantly smile. In case I’m not, I think I just keep posting other facts, the currently new ones, yeah. We will see x

Have a fun Friday and nice weekend, people x